The Most Forgotten Items on a Hunting Trip


List of Most Forgotten Items on Hunting Trips

There’s much more to hunting than simply loading a rifle and trekking off into the woods. Just like any seasoned camper, experienced hiker or an expert fisherman, a real hunter spends quality time planning and prepping for their trip. Equipping yourself with the proper hunting gear can make the difference between a successful, happy, and safe hunting trip — and one that is none of those things. Here at the Lazy CK Ranch in the Texas Hill Country, we’ve hosted enough successful hunts to know all about the hunting gear and hunting trip items you need to pack to have a great time in the wild.

When it comes to putting together Texas hunting trips, our Lazy CK guides have both the experience and the expertise to prepare our clients for a safe and successful hunt. But the process begins long before you ever set foot on our hunting grounds. It starts with selecting, purchasing and packing your hunting gear. Among the many hunting trip items to bring — and which so many hunters forget — we recommend the following.

  • A modern, comfortable pack that distributes the weight properly across your body (not just your back).

  • Rations of food and water, including a canteen/water bottle and high-protein snacks.

  • A first aid kit containing the very basics, at least: lip balm, aspirin/ibuprofen, bandages, etc.

  • Insect repellent.

  • Rain gear (a poncho or plastic cover-up).

  • A brightly colored safety vest (essential, especially if you are going to climb a tree to scout for prey).

  • A survival blanket (just in case it gets cold or you are stranded out in the woods all night).

  • Trash bags. Whatever you bring in to the woods, you must be prepared to take out as well.

  • Toilet paper (even a few sheets means you don’t have to use leaves).

  • A flashlight or headlamp (the sun sets quick when you’re having fun).

  • A compass (because not every GPS device will be able to get a signal deep in the woods).

  • A knife.

  • A pair of warm, waterproof gloves. Also, consider packing spare socks.

  • Matches.

  • Zip ties.

  • Your hunting license and/or permit. (You’d be surprised just how many hunters neglect to bring this item along.)

Of course, you can always overpack as well. If you are going to make room for that fancy rangefinder or scope to make that perfect shot, hand warmers, batteries and a battery pack, binoculars, and tools to cut and drag out a carcass, just don’t do so at the expense of any of the above items. The items on this list are far more critical than any of the extras.

So, whether you are going out as a lone hunter or, better yet, as part of a large hunting party, remember to make sure that either you or someone in your party has outfitted you with everything on this our list of essential hunting gear. As the saying goes, “It’s the little things.” That’s something we believe here at Lazy CK Ranch, as you’ll learn when you choose to book your stay on our 11,000 acres of pristine Texas Hill Country.

Lazy CK Ranch