FeraDyne Camp: Where The Pros Go To Hunt

The FeraDyne Writers Texas Hunting Camp


What really goes into research and development? How do companies come up with new products? How do companies make old products better? And what do they decide to make better? These aren’t questions that a normal person walking around would ask themselves. In fact, most people will use a semi worthless product for a long time thinking to themselves… “I wish company X would do this, or make this better.” A special few people might shoot off an email to the company. Even less will take that product out to their garage and actually make it better.


 So how do companies do research and development? I have no idea how most other companies do it, but I know one of the many factors that go into FeraDyne’s research and development. First, FeraDyne isn’t a company you may have heard of. But I can almost guarantee you have heard of the brands they own. Rage, Muzzy, Block Targets, Trufire releases, and Carbon Express arrows are just some of the many brands they own. And they aren’t stopping there. Since their last research and development camp held just a few short months ago at the ranch, they have since bought a game camera company as well. Check all their brands out at www.FeraDyne.com


 FeraDyne doesn’t have a secret approach when it comes to field testing products. It’s almost the opposite. They get down in the dirt so to speak when it comes to their products. They really care about functionality. They spend countless hours in the drawing-room. Then more hours in the back-channel processes getting products made and delivered. And before those products ever sniff a shelf at your favorite bow shop or sporting goods store those products are brought out to places like the Lazy CK Ranch to be put to the ultimate test.

 Hunting in a real-world application is huge for product testers. The best ideas in the world are worthless if the product can’t hold up to the real test and application. This is exactly what FeraDyne is shooting for (pun intended) when they hold their annual writers camp at the ranch every May. FeraDyne hand selects 7-10 hunters from the media world to come and hunt live animals and test products… and they pay for all of it! How cool is that? Anyone else thinking about a career change yet?

 These writers can take brand new products and put them to use and the best part is still to come… At the end of every hunt, members from the R&D and management team at FeraDyne pull the hunters aside, usually by the fire pit, and have real conversations with them about the products. What worked, what didn’t, why didn’t it, how, etc.

 They then take that information back with them to improve those products way before they ever hit the market. I’m not a smart guy by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t know how it gets any better than that. So, next time you pick up a product from FeraDyne, you know all that went into it, and you can be confident on your next hunt.

Lazy CK Ranch