2021 Newsletter, Q1 - The Lazy CK, Texas Hunting Ranch

The Lazy CK Ranch Newsletter, Q1

| Corporate Event Venue | Future Hunters Camp | Texas Ranch News |

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Lazy CK Ranch Quarterly Newsletter

Hello everyone and welcome, it’s good to be back. Needless to say life has been quite the roller coaster of events lately, hasn't it? But we are faring well here at the ranch. The biggest elephant in the room is our infamous freeze that we experienced here in Texas. It was a rough experience for us all, however other neighboring ranches were hit a lot harder than us. The CK lost power for 15 days, a few water lines broke and though we lost a handful of animals, our feeding program is what really saved our herds here at the ranch.


Spring is full blown here at the ranch right now. Our Texas flora never ceases to amaze us with all its beauty. There are many new arrivals at the ranch. Our wobble trap, 5 stand and long distance shooting range are all complete, finally! Including a sweet new addition we dubbed, “The Tree house”. Bachelor parties are welcome to rent out our one of a kind tree house for the afternoon. This venue boasts a poker table, bathroom, full bar and 3 individual blinds connected by catwalks with exterior cameras and even a hog light for nighttime hog hunting.



Spring 2021 Tom Miranda Bowhunting Camp

Our 2021 Spring Miranda camp was one of our best Miranda camps to date! Guest Steve Nielsen set the bar high this year by stepping out of his vehicle, gearing up and performing a flawless spot and stalk on an amazing trophy Pere David’s Deer. Check out the film of Steve's harvest and a few photos from the camp. There's still a spot left for our 2021 Fall Miranda Camp, which is prime trophy whitetail season! So give us a call and reserve your spot today!



2021 FeraDyne Camp

The CK just wrapped up hosting our annual FeraDyne camp. FeraDyne is a prominent name in the hunting industry, boasting brand names such as Nockturnal Nocks, Trufire releases, Block Targets, Rage Broadheads and more! FeraDyne staff such as Todd, Teri, Tim & Lucas as well as four national writers for prominent publications came out for an amazing week of bowhunting action. "These guys just know how to hunt, they're out here all week long testing equipment and getting some great content here at the ranch." said Allen Robinson, General Manager. Here are just a few of the animals they harvested during their visit.


Our General Manager Allen Robinson and Hunt Manager Will Latham are back in the saddle as they recently attended the Mid Michigan SCI Show. “It’s so great to be back and seeing people in person. Many familiar faces were seen at the booth and it was great to be out here at the show” said Will. Be sure to keep an eye out for us at our next event; the Texas Trophy Hunter show in Fort Worth, Texas on August 13th to the 15th. See you there!



Future Hunters Camp

We are excited to announce a brand new endeavor here at the CK! Future Hunters Camp is an all inclusive camp for any individual who wants to learn to hunt and become self sufficient. Attendee's will be given over $500 worth of hunting gear as well as being walked through 6 days of training. From hunters education all the way to cleaning and cooking the animal that YOU just harvested in camp! Yes that's right, you get to harvest your very first animal and keep it. This year there are only 10 spots available on a first come first serve basis. Book your spot today!

When: July 26th - July 31st, 2021

Where: The Lazy CK Ranch

Cost: $2,950.00 (deposit of $1,387.50 is required)

Lazy CK RanchLazy CK Ranch